Halloween Safety Tips ~ by Kassandra "Blaze" Wilsey

If you have seen any of Cali Camp’s pics on our social media, you’ll notice that dressing up is kinda a big deal for us… Maybe that’s why I love Halloween so much! For me, Cali Camp Dress Up Days aren’t like Halloween, but Halloween instead is like a day of Cali Camp! I love finding a theme and having the whole family join in the fun. As my kids grow older they are starting to have more opinions about their costumes, however I have still been able to persuade them to join in my shanagangans for Halloween dress up. 

While for most, Halloween means fun costumes, meeting the neighbors and eating way too much sugar, for others it can be a sobering reminder of the importance of safety. Planning ahead and talking with your family is one of the best ways to make sure you are all prepared and on the same page.

Here are some simple tips that can help keep your family safe this Halloween:

While out Trick-or-Treating:

  • Place reflective materials on your child’s costume. This can be reflective tape, glow necklaces, blinking lights, etc. Carrying a flashlight is also helpful.

  • Avoid the temptation to cross the street anywhere but at a crosswalk, preferably using a crosswalk with a traffic signal or stop sign if possible. 

  • While supervising your kids, remain attentive to them with your eyes up, and not on your phone or distracted by others around you.

  • Place a wrist band on younger children with your phone number in case they get separated from you. 

  • Set age-appropriate boundaries with your older children. ie: “Go to the next 4 houses, and then wait for me.” 

While you are driving on Halloween:

  • Slow down and be prepared for children to move erratically around you, especially between 5:30 - 9:30pm which is prime candy hunting time!

  • Avoid distraction while driving while on Halloween such as talking on the phone or eating. 

  • Don’t Drink and Drive! Over 50% of motor vehicle accidents on Halloween involve alcohol or drugs, but 48% don’t, so stay alert at all times. 

Put these tips into action and help keep Halloween the right kind of scary… silly, fun and safe!

Stay Safe everyone!

~ Kassandra “Blaze” Wilsey - Cali Camp Director - She/Her


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