how we roll
Less bus stops — more camp fun
We want to help kids arrive at Cali Camp fresh and excited for their daily adventures. That’s why we implement a one-two bus stop, giving kids more time at camp together, which also means they arrive less tired.
Camp begins when our campers step onto our buses as they are greeted by counselors and camp friends. On the ride they’ll sing, participate in games and be part of a weekly, all-camp “Bus Cup Challenge.”
Our one-two stop routes are short and easy and ensure that no child will be on the bus longer than 60 minutes. There are 16 stations across Los Angeles County to choose from: 9 routes in the city and 7 in the Valley.
We use a professional bus company, Mission School Transportation, to safely transport our campers and staff and we have a designated Cali Camp staff member as the bus counselor for each station.

transportation policies
As a parent of a day camp child you will most likely have many questions concerning the transportation program in camp. This guide has been created to explain, in detail, CaliCamp's transportation program. It will answer many questions, provide you with new information and allow you to become better acquainted with this facet of our camp program.
We contract our bussing through Mission School Transportation. This means that all of our drivers are full time school bus drivers, who have also signed up to be selected to work at camp. This means they are the best balance between being safe, well-trained and fun! MST performs daily checks and maintenance on the entire fleet of buses. If a repair is ever needed, that bus is switched out for the day, so we always have a fully functioning and safe ride to camp.
All of the buses come equipped with lap seat belts. All children are required to use the seat belts. If you are the parent of a younger child and would like to provide a car seat you are welcome to do so. We will return the car seat in the afternoon when the child departs the bus.
The State Law does not require supervision on a school bus, other than the driver. We provide a supervisor, known as the Bus Counselor, on each bus. The role of the bus counselor is to assist campers on the bus, control safety, lead singing and games, and provide any other assistance that may be needed. In the event that the bus counselor is absent and we do not have an alternate available then the driver is solely in charge.
We understand that being on the roads of LA means that riding the bus is one of the highest risk activities at camp. It is also one of the most enjoyable. Our philosophy is that the camp day begins when your child steps foot on the bus. Each morning as your child enters the bus there will be greetings by the driver, the bus counselor and camp friends. While riding the bus your child will have an opportunity to meet new friends, share experiences and participate in bus songs and games. This is a very valuable extension of the camp day. Each bus has a name and a stuffed animal that is the bus mascot. Each week your child and their bus camper friends participate in the “Bus Cup Challenge.” This is a camp activity where each bus learns songs during the week and then they present their rendition of each song as they arrive at camp on Thursday and Friday mornings. The bus groups are judged each morning, and awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are given each week in the special “Bus Cup Challenge Ceremony” on stage. There are many aspects of social and emotional growth that take place while riding the camp bus. Please allow your child to enjoy this experience by reinforcing and inspiring positive thoughts about the bus ride to and from camp.
Kahuna, our Director, is in the office each day at 7:00 AM. She contacts each bus counselor every morning to provide any camper schedule changes and to confirm the pick-ups that are scheduled for that day. When you desire a schedule change you must contact the office directly by phone. You may not make any changes with the bus driver or counselor. If you know in advance about a schedule change, then please call between 10:00 AM and 2:45 PM Monday through Friday. If your child is sick the night before or the morning of camp, call the office immediately. If you call after hours the transportation office will make sure to get your message and notify your bus counselor. During the summer, and prior to your child starting camp, the transportation office will contact you by phone to inform you of the driver and bus counselor’s name, your designated station, the AM Boarding and Departure times and the PM Arrival time.
The cost for transportation is included in the camp tuition. There is no cost reduction if you drive your child to and from camp. You can also elect to drive one way and have your child transported the other way. There is not a bus offered for Topanga residents.
All of the stations are between 10 - 60 minutes away from camp. The bus counselor will be waiting at the station for 15 minutes before departure. This is called boarding time; you may drop your child off at any time during this window, however please keep in mind that we have a small amount of time to get the kids to camp and will always leave at the scheduled time. There can be extenuating circumstances (such as traffic) that may cause a bus to arrive late in the afternoon, however we ask the parent to plan on arriving 5 minutes prior to the established pick-up time in the afternoon. Generally the kids feel anxious if the person that is picking them up is not there, so we ask you to be on time. If the bus is running more than 10 minutes late either a text or email will be sent to both parents of the enrolled child on the bus.
Each station is established in order to assure minimal driving time, safety, efficiency and maximum comfort for both the camper and the driver. Although a short ride to camp for each child is desirable, the stop closest to your home location has a direct bearing on the duration of your child's bus ride. There are sixteen (16) separate stations with pre-established pick up times, you are welcome to choose any of them. For the complete location and time schedule please visit our website www.calicamp.com/transportation. The following is a list of the policies and procedures that apply to our transportation program.
DUE TO SPACE LIMITATION ON EACH BUS, ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTABILITY AND SAFETY WE DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO BE PICKED UP OR TO GO HOME ON A DIFFERENT BUS. A CHILD MUST ARRIVE AND DEPART ON THE SAME BUS. When a child desires to go to another child's home and both children are on the same bus then parents need to notify camp directly of the change. If a camper must leave camp early, then it is the parent's responsibility to make arrangements for early pick up (before 2:45pm). The parent must pick up the child at camp in the main office and sign for the child's release. Friends or relatives may pick up the child with written permission from parents and notification to the office.
If you have opted not to ride a bus, you are welcome to drive your camper to camp. The window for morning drop off is 8:30 - 8:45am and the afternoon pickup time is 3:45pm. We do not allow any pickup between 2:45 - 3:45pm.
Each vehicle possesses a first aid kit, emergency warning markers, a fire extinguisher, and a packet containing emergency procedures and phone numbers. In the event of an emergency the driver will take point on safety, and vehicle management, while the bus counselor will take responsibility for supporting the needs of the passengers and communicating with camp.
1. The bus is scheduled to arrive at the same location each day. Clock time is determined by the bus counselor’s watch.
2. Cali Camp reserves the right to change a pick up or drop off point or time due to unforeseen circumstances.
3. The bus counselor will wait at each AM location for a 15 minute boarding time, and will depart promptly at the scheduled time. We will not wait for late campers.
4. In the afternoon we ask parents to be at the designated station 5 minutes prior to the planned arrival time.
5. The bus will stop only at the designated station. We will not pull over to let a late camper on at another spot.
6. If the bus has left its station in the AM then it is the parent’s duty to get to another station or drive their child to camp.
7. Should a parent assign someone else to meet the child you must notify the Cali-Camp office. The child must be able to recognize the individual meeting him or her.
8. A family may not change from one station to another.
9. In the PM, parents must come to the bus, be seen by the bus counselor, and personally take their child from the bus. Until they know you, you may be asked to show ID.
10. Parents may elect to have their child walk home from a pick up point.
11. If parents carpool then the other children are to remain under the supervision of the parent in charge for both the AM and PM pickups on that day.
12. Should a child not be met at the end of the day in a timely manner the driver and bus counselor will wait with that child for a fee.
Bus Rules slightly vary depending on the driver and bus counselor; however these are general rules that always apply. These rules are to be followed at all times:
1. Never chase the bus or any vehicle near the bus.
2. Remain seated at all times.
3. Always wear your seat belt.
4. Do not put your arms or head out of the window.
5. Never throw anything out of the window.
6. Water is the only thing allowed to be consumed on the bus (no snacking).
7. We do not recommend bringing any phones or devices to camp. They are not allowed to be out on the bus or at camp, and we are not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken devices.
8. You must, at all times, follow the directions from the driver and the bus counselor.
9. Tell your bus counselor if you have any problems or if you need help while on the bus.
10. Always go to the restroom before boarding the bus.
11. Enjoy your ride to camp!
We are thrilled that we have received so much rainfall over the last two winters, and note that it has slightly altered the local landscape. Due to a new small spring and mudslide, we are currently experiencing a road closure on Topanga Canyon Blvd impacting traffic from the westside via PCH. CalTrans is working hard to fix it and has deemed it an emergency, so we are hopeful it will be repaired soon.
We do know that it may be closed for some or all of this summer. While it is certainly an inconvenience, luckily it is not a direct impediment to our camp operations. We still have two safe routes to bring buses to and from camp, and plan to continue running our quality program, including transportation for all campers and staff.If the road is still closed as of June 1st, we will plan to enact a revised transportation plan, until the road is repaired and open. We will contact our enrolled families at that time to confirm if they would like to switch their bus stop. Please note, Cali Camp states clearly in our online transportation policies that the bus locations and stop times are subject to change at any time to unforeseen circumstances. We will not be issuing credits or refunds due to a slightly longer bus ride.
We are grateful to the crews of people working to safely and efficiently repair the road, and are excited to be able to continue gearing up for a fabulous summer.