Games of Gratitude

We all know about the power of expressing our gratitude, how a moment of thankfulness can ward off stress and lower blood pressure. So why then do we not practice gratitude everyday? Every hour? The health benefits have been measured, and still we find ourselves unable to stop and take moments of thankfulness. It doesn’t always come naturally, and is something that we need to build into our everyday routines in order to make it a habit. Of course, if you're like me, (a busy mom of three who has suddenly found herself not only precariously balancing a career and homelife, but who has also become a homeschool teacher to a 6, 9 and 10 year old) like me you might have also become a self-anointed health expert and master researcher.


I don't care if you choose them, birthed them, married them, or married into them, no one is meant to spend THIS MUCH TIME around any one single group of people. The thought of trying to add moments of gratitude can seem daunting, especially when it feels like there might not be that much to be grateful for in these current times. However, it's vital! We need to take care of ourselves and our family, and practicing gratitude is such an easy way to help maintain a healthy mind - body connection. 

Here are a few “Gratitude Games” you can play with your kids or just by yourself when you've locked yourself in the bathroom to eat in a moment of peace. (I’m not the only one who does that right?!) This holiday season you can start your practice of gratitude and thankfulness.

All of these games can be played at the dinner table, while driving, before bedtime, just about anywhere. You'll be amazed how easy it is to add in moments of gratitude into your daily routine!


1. Rose, Root and Thorn

Share the parts of your day that symbolize your Rose, Root and Thorn. Just like the parts of a Rose Bush, there are parts of our days that are full of beauty, challenges and connections. The thorn of your day was something that was challenging, or made you sad, mad or frustrated. Your root is something that makes you feel connected, or grounded (this can be a hard one for younger kids, sometimes you can explain this as something that is always there for them that makes them happy or a connection they made to another person). The Rose was the BEST or most beautiful part of your day!

2. Sweet and Sour

This is similar to Rose, Root and Thorn, just a bit simpler. Your sweet was your favorite part of the day (or activity, past hour, game, movie, etc) and the sour was the most challenging or worst part. 

3. Gratitude Alphabet 

Start with the letter A, and go around the group stating something you are grateful for that starts with that letter. Continue through the entire alphabet! You can either choose to let words be repeated: “I’m also grateful for Apples” or make it more challenging by not allowing for repeat words. 

4. Nouns of Gratitude

Take turns around the circle or room stating a Person, Place and Thing that they feel grateful for. Play as many rounds as you would like! 

5. Gratitude Snaps

This can be a game on its own, or can be incorporated into any of the above games. Everyone will say one thing that they are grateful for. As each person says their word, when you hear something that you are also grateful for, snap your fingers as a way of symbolizing that you are also thankful for that thing. Snaps are a way of symbolizing we are also grateful for that, without interrupting the person whose turn it is. Play at least three rounds to maximize your gratitude!


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